Squid Game Season 2 rant
I get that a lot of you guys loved this season and that’s okay- but the amount of stupid decision making really took me out of it, and needs to be talked about.
The fact that the squid game organizers caught a tracking device in someone’s mouth, but didn’t catch an old lady’s knife? Or a drug filled necklace? Would these items not be confiscated with the rest of their clothing/wallets/“limited edition shoes” etc?
Boat man who picked up the cop (I forget the Korean names) wants us to believe that he’d have no idea where this mysterious island was? Eve. If homie really did drift that far, you’d think as a special investigations officer that would at least rub some eyebrows (color me surprised when it turned out that boat man was the mole”.
The main character is shockingly inept. He finds the fork and obviously knows what it’s for- he just keeps his mouth shut and lets the bullshit happen. He could easily have warned everyone on his side what would happen- and his silence resulted in the deaths of dozens, and the potential continuation of the games. And if you argue that this was all a sacrifice for the “grand plan” of taking the soldiers guns in the chaos- you really expect me to believe that anyone would think you’d stand a chance against armed guards (they don’t know how many men the security forces have, and how much training they have)- literally the security forces have EVERY advantage. They know exactly where you are at all times (cameras), your communication lines are literally the radios THAT YOUR ENEMY USE, you are outnumbered. You are outgunned. They have the home field advantage. They can starve you out. There’s just NO POSSIBLE WAY you can win that fight. You are committing suicide. And what happens to your grand plan then?
The grand plan is stupid. Apart from the aforementioned reasons it’s a bad idea I wrote above, why would the people who voted to leave necessarily side with you and throw their lives away? Because you say their is a greater cause? Chances are some of the people who voted to leave are only leaving because the 300 million Won is enough compared to what it was before and aren’t in as bad a debt as the ones who voted to remain. If they take up arms against their captors they can kiss that money goodbye. Also the people who voted to leave are less likely to want to throw their lives away in some limp dick last hurrah because THEY WANT TO LIVE. It’s such a smarter plan to just do your best to kill your opposition before they kill you- and live to see another day. This squid game is not their problem, only the main characters.
You mean to tell me when you took the guns off the guards in your initial victory you didn’t check their pockets for ammunition? You have three self proclaimed former military members and you didn’t do a thorough inventory check? What the fuck?
One of the guys who claimed to be a marine all season suddenly becomes the biggest bitch we’ve ever seen and leaves his comrades to die? I just don’t buy it. You didn’t need to set up this former military bs if you wanted that payoff. This man has been trained to withstand fire and return it.
I’m sure there’s more but this is what comes to the top of my head and I find it so frustrating.