Alone by choice because my friends are just bad

I had a friend who always commented on my weight and appearance,would act as if everything i owned was disgusting because it was mine,refused to match with me,and worst of all she didn't congratulate me on my 17th bday and lied about my crush liking her,and even said "he smiled at me on the stairs,he might like me,but you're lucky he isn't my type because...". I ditched her,hanged out with another friend and kid you not she would screenshot my priv stories,chats,and send it to a girl I didn't like(she was a homewrecker) which led me to getting in a lot of trouble with the teachers. And just when I thought I made a friend,she ditches me because I don't go out,get drunk or go to clubs 😭LIKE WE WERE GOOD A YEAR AGO. But she is going out with the same girls she trashtalked a year back so ig i didn't lose much. I just sit in silence at school and mind my business even though its lonely,ive never felt better about my decision.