Classroom mgmt strategy for when kids are asking questions while I’m trying to complete a task?
So something I’ve noticed my past couple years is the kids won’t ask a single question when you prompt them but as soon as you’re doing something else 5 of them want to come up to you and ask a million questions — it’s very frustrating for me, how do yall handle it.
Specifically, I’ll be handing out papers and as I move about the room, kids want to ask me questions while they should already be completing independent work, and usually these questions have nothing to do with the assignment (can I go to the bathroom, what are we doing tomorrow, how can I get my grade up, can I turn this in etc) or I’ll be working at my desk and 4 of them will come up to me at once to ask me these questions when, once again, they should be completing independent work and I’m trying to get a couple things done before I get up to circulate the room.
It pretty much is very overstimulating and makes me lose focus, I have to switch gears from what I’m doing to answer them and then I can’t get back on task or get them back on task. It drives me insane. I tell them over and over they can always email me and I’m pretty good about responding with a day or throughout the day.
On top of all of this I am of course still managing behavior. It gets to the point where I get frustrated and beg them to just not ask me anything because I need to do this ONE thing first.
Anyways, I wouldn’t be surprised if I have some sort of inattentive ADHD at this point and it definitely does not help.