Crypto as Income Tax Filing

I am currently receiving stable coins as a method of payment for my freelance services and I have some questions:

  1. How or which should I share as my receipts?

I currently am using Request.Finance platform to create invoices and they provide receipts once an invoice is paid. Is this sufficient enough?

Although, it is still not converted to fiat amount of PHP so…

  1. Is Binance P2P a good enough receipt as proof of income, should I transfer to PDAX which provides a safer conversion option? (Since PDAX shows up as an institution that paid me rather than a random individual.

Need your advice please as I would like to get myself an ITR for Credit Card (or Travel) purposes.

Why my client is paying me stablecoins: they are a web3 company and I am working remotely. stablecoins has the least hassle and fees when processing payments.

Edit: I forgot about Official Receipts, I just recently registered. Will that suffice?