1040 letter
In July I received a 1040 letter stating that I didn’t claim all money made in 2021 (complete mistake). I was to respond saying if this was correct or incorrect and if it was correct I was to set up payment. I said it was correct, set up a payment arrangement and moved forward. In august I received a response stating that they received my response, but they needed more time to complete the review of the information provided.
Fast forward to yesterday; I receive the exact same letter I did in august verbatim, but this time has an extra paragraph stating, “before this matter can be resolved, we need information from , and we haven’t received _ yet. You should receive our complete response within __ days.” Yes, they really left blanks in those spaces. They said they didn’t need any more information from me either.
I’m just confused and wanted to know if things like this are normal.
It just causes a stress and anxiety I don’t need. Especially when I’ve been making payments.
Thank you,