Considering moving to Tahoe, thoughts/advice?
Here's the story, I'm a 30-something living in the bay (I know, sorry) and I'm thinking about moving with my wife to Tahoe. I have a job that I can do remotely and we both love the mountains. We visit regularly in the winter (again, I know, sorry) and we're thinking about moving to get away from city life and cost. It is just the two of us for now but we are thinking about kids relatively soon. Tahoe seems pretty great because we could still stay connected to bay area friends and family while orienting our lives around more of an outdoor lifestyle.
The biggest drawback is that we literally don't know anyone who lives in the Tahoe basin.
What do you all think? I'd love to hear form locals, people who have recently relocated, and folks considering moving.
What are the plusses and minuses? Where in the basin would you recommend (we mostly spend time in South Lake)? What should we consider?
Good idea? Bad idea?