I developed an iOS app that helps create custom workouts for your Apple Watch

I developed the app out of frustration that you can't create custom workouts for your Apple Watch from the phone. Typing on the small watch screen is cumbersome and prone to errors. Likely, Apple provides an API, so you can create an iPhone app for this scenario. It took me 4 months from start to finish, and I'm pretty happy with the results. This is my first SwiftUI native application. Here are the Apple technologies I used: Swift, SwiftUI, SwiftData, TipKit, StoreKit, WorkoutKit, WidgetKit. I did not use any 3rd-party dependencies.

Here is the link to my app:


Some key features: - Ability to schedule workouts for specific days and times. - Recurring schedules for specific days of the week. - Support all activity types from Apple Watch. - Has a beautiful widget with progress for the current week. - A quick glance at the total distance or time for the workout. - A gallery of 40+ predefined workouts. - 100+ predefined exercises with steps, animated images, and info to help you quickly create HIIT workouts.

I'm open for your feedback.

I developed the app out of frustration that you can't create custom workouts for your Apple Watch from the phone. Typing on the small watch screen is cumbersome and prone to errors. Likely, Apple provides an API, so you can create an iPhone app for this scenario. It took me 4 months from start to finish, and I'm pretty happy with the results. This is my first SwiftUI native application. Here are the Apple technologies I used: Swift, SwiftUI, SwiftData, TipKit, StoreKit, WorkoutKit, WidgetKit. I did not use any 3rd-party dependencies.

Here is the link to my app:


Some key features: - Ability to schedule workouts for specific days and times. - Recurring schedules for specific days of the week. - Support all activity types from Apple Watch. - Has a beautiful widget with progress for the current week. - A quick glance at the total distance or time for the workout. - A gallery of 40+ predefined workouts. - 100+ predefined exercises with steps, animated images, and info to help you quickly create HIIT workouts.

I'm open for your feedback.