How much plastic surgery/ money have you spent as a stripper?
As I lay here healing from my 17th procedure. I was just wondering. How many procedures have you had or how many does the average stripper get? Whats the average amount of money you have spent ( you don't need to disclose that information if you don't want to) I watched youtube videos of strippers that admit to what surgeries they've had, the amount spent, and I appreciate their transparency. I think that's a great quality to show their genuine personality saying,hey, I look good, but I have made some tweaks or improvements that aren't natural to look this awesome. And it's help enhance my self esteem and work life. I applaud them for that. ( side note, I don't include botox, filler or anything medi spa related. Those dont count)
So, I've spent about $150,000 and ik I've spent more than the average. But, I was just blessed to have that kind of money for my tweeks, upkeep and body work. I'd love to know anyone else's plastic/cosmetic surgery procedure journeys.