My Long-Term Stock Portfolio

Looking for help from the more experience community. I am 20 years old and in the market for the long-run. I want to retire at 50 years old with passive real estate income and a solid stock portfolio. Looking for advice/tips of achieving this goal and for any long-term stock picks & advice. Here is the list of stocks in my portfolio currently:

20% - Apple

15% - Facebook

13% - Netflix

11% - Amazon

11% - Google

5% - Tesla

5% - Starbucks

<5% - AMD, Qualcomm, Delta, Alibaba, Southwest, NVIDIA, Salesforce, AUPH

15% - Cash (buy more shares in case of market dip)

Looking for help to best prepare me for an early retirement at 50. Also, if I rebalance my portfolio, what are the tax implications? Do I have to sell shares, pay taxes, and then re-buy other shares?