Give me the Dos & Don’ts of Driving Stick
Hello! I started driving a 6 speed 2010 Nissan Frontier recently and after my old automatic civic crapped out on me, the manual frontier is now my daily. I got some help from this sub not too long ago on how to get better at stick, and I’ve definitely gotten way better, so thank you! But now the main thing I want to know is the Dos and Don’ts of driving stick. What things should I avoid or be on the look out for to keep my truck in good shape? Are there any certain things people tend to do that puts unnecessary wear on manual transmissions that I should avoid? Are there certain things I can do to prolong the lifespan of my truck? Driving an automatic all my life has me worried I’ll make simple mistakes or miss signs that I’m putting extra wear on my truck or transmission, or that I won’t know the basics of how to keep an eye on whether everything is shipshape. Any and all tips / advice is greatly appreciated!