[Compounds] 🥜 Testosterone 11/30/2023

Good morning ☕️.

It’s a beautiful day to discuss the almighty Base, and foundation of all things Sw(h)oly.

I will continue my role in these threads, removing random unproductive hogwash such as “I’m about to use this, what do I do?”

Every Thursday we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. The goal is to document experiences for others to refer to for years to come as we grow and learn together about these compounds and identify trends and commonalities.


  • Ester, dose, duration, other compounds used
  • Benefits experienced
  • Side effects (positive or negative) experienced
  • Whether you considered the experience a success or not, and why

What this thread ISN'T for:

  • General questions about compounds - except when directed at a specific user sharing their experience
  • Non-constructive criticism of other users' cycles
  • Low effort top-level comments with zero information

Comments violating these few simple guidelines will be removed.

As always, read the wiki entry first (if necessary) and follow the rules.

Testosterone Enanthate Wiki Entry
Testosterone Cypionate Wiki Entry
Testosterone Propionate Wiki Entry

Previous Testosterone thread

Leave the debauchery in the OT; Leave the questions in the DAA; share with us your infinite wisdom of the great foundation, Testosterone!