Covers as Good as the Originals

I have a playlist with this name. I love all the originals and I think these covers are just as good. I’m curious if anyone suggestions to add.

I haven’t included any covers where the originals are terrible. For example, I learned yesterday from watching the new Led Zeppelin movie that “Babe I’m Gonna Leave You” was done by Joan Baez - which would never make my list because her version is pretty awful. In all cases below, I love both the original and the cover IMO is just as good.

Thank You Covered by Chris Cornell [favorite version: Live at Esplande Arts (Alberta)]

Boys of Summer Covered by The Ataris [“Black Flag sticker on a Cadillac”]

Mrs Robinson Covered by The Lemonheads

For What it’s Worth Covered by The Candy Skins [Is that a Stones sample?]

Dancing Days Covered by Stone Temple Pilots

A Day in the Life Covered by Chris Cornell [favorite version: Live at the Royal Albert Hall 2016]