Two pieces of esoteric information that will make you glad
- In the book The Field by Lynne McTaggart, which eloquently covers a fascinating range of studies on human consciousness which began at Princeton University and started the fascination with remote viewing (including by the U.S government), it has been demonstrated in scientific studies that plants demonstrate empathy. How is that known? Using a machine that measures electrical responses, which can register "stress" like in a human lie detector test, it was demonstrated that a plant will show higher levels of stress if another plant experiences stress. A plant cares about another plant? Yea!
- In esoteric literature, it is noted that by uttering words you can influence what aspects of a person manifest. If a person is "bad," by speaking good things regarding them you can influence them and transmute what manifests. You do not need to be near that person for this to work. Simply affirm them and their goodness and by SPEAKING the words you can change them, or at least powerfully influence the possibility of their changing to good.