South Carolina is a Constitutional Carry State as of March 2024
I just learned this and thought it would be worth mentioning for anyone who missed it.
H. 3594 as signed by the Governor on March 7, 2024, authorizes individuals who are not otherwise prohibited from possessing a firearm, to legally possess a firearm openly or concealed without training and without a concealed weapons permit issued by SLED. This legislation leaves in place the CWP program run by SLED for individuals who wish to continue carrying a firearm pursuant to a permit. The CWP will continue to give the individual reciprocity with other recognizing states and makes purchasing a firearm from a dealer easier. • This law is in effect immediately. • It allows individuals 18 years old and older to carry firearms openly or concealed without a permit. • There are no restrictions of guns inside vehicles. Guns can be stored anywhere inside the vehicle openly or concealed. • Possession of a firearm alone is NOT a reason to stop an individual. To make a stop, there must be reasonable and articulable suspicion a crime has occurred. Law enforcement officers cannot conduct a stop solely because a firearm is visible. • A CWP holder or a person carrying a firearm without a permit pursuant to this law DOES NOT have a duty to notify a law enforcement officer that they are carrying a firearm. • Insofar as there is no longer a CWP requirement, a CWP holder is not required to carry his/her CWP or disclose his/her status as a CWP holder to a law enforcement officer. • Firearms are still prohibited in many locations, including inside schools, churches, law enforcement facilities including detention and correctional facilities, anywhere medical procedures are performed, courthouses, public buildings, and any place clearly marked with a sign prohibiting the carrying of a firearm. • Individuals 18 years of age and older will now be eligible to apply for a CWP.
A couple of personal pieces of advice: 1) Statistically you're more likely to shoot yourself than anyone else with a gun. If you have a history or are prone to depression and mental health struggles, I suggest finding another way to protect yourself.
2) Don't actually open carry. While legal, you're going to be raising some eyebrows and potentially unnecessarily escalating a situation. If you're going to carry keep it concealed.