What is your get out strategy with the current SOL/Trump pump?

As mentioned in the title i was wondering what yalls get out strategy is. Regarding the BTC dominance on almost 60% and the rest of the market down this isn't the bull run everyone has been waiting for, so in a matter of days or weeks this money is most likely all gonna flow out of Solana and back into other Coins.

Now, what is your get out strategy on this Pump? In all honesty I've missed out on investing in Trump twice aaand missed out on, well, a whole apartment being paid off ahaha, matter the less I don't think the pump is gonna continue much longer after Trumps inauguration? Altough i've been wondering if maybe we have one last big upwards trend coming to trump and solana later today?

Where will you put your money once you secure some profits? ETH? XRP? or something completely else?