My teacher humiliated me in class today and i deserved it
Sorry for the extremely long story.
Basically, my professor embarrassed me in front of the whole class today and i deserved it. I did two things:
- I rested my head on my desk (like was sleeping), but not bc i was actually sleeping, but bc i was overstimulated and was dejected that i couldn’t understand any of what he was saying (and im too socially anxious to ask him to re-explain) so i wanted to rest for some time (i sat right back up after a minute). Regardless of my reasons tho, it was obviously still disrespectful esp since i was seated at the very first row right in front of him.
- I used my phone while a classmate was reciting and explaining a slide. Why? Bc my dumb fucking ass was asking chatgpt to explain the lesson all the while someone in class was already doing just that.
This was his last straw. All of a sudden, i hear him say, “(insert my name), repeat what (classmate’s name) was saying.” My heart jumped out of my body and i immediately put down my phone. Everyone was looking at me. He asked me what i was doing on my phone and instead of admitting the truth (i didn’t want to admit i was basically using ai to do his job for me), i made up a very obviously fake excuse.
He asked me again, “repeat what your classmate said” and i straight up said “i can’t sir.” I was trembling so hard but it was the truth. I couldn’t. Not just bc i didn’t understand the discussion, but bc i wasn’t even listening to what my classmate was saying.
So then he told me to get out of his classroom and find another professor that’ll be willing to take me in and that at that point forward, i wasn’t part of his class anymore. Btw this was all happening while the rest of the class sat in silence and watched in secondhand embarrassment.
I started to make my way out of class and since i was sat at the front row i had to do this walk of shame down the aisle to the back. However, he stopped me right in the middle of said aisle. So i was now standing right in the center of the whole class.
“Im still talking to you” he said so i turned back around to face him. “Whose class are you going to transfer to then?” Obviously i was not in the right state of mind to think of literally anything so i just said “i’ll think about it sir.”
I genuinely thought i was getting kicked out but then he asked me, “do you still want to be in this class?” and i said yes. He then gave me an ultimatum, repeat what my classmate was saying or find another professor. I was about to cry but i really could not do what he was asking of me so i reiterated “i really can’t sir.”
He asked again if i really wanted to stay in his class and again, i said yes, and he replied, “why? don't you want to find another professor who could teach you better? since you don’t seem to understand what im teaching you?” and i said no.
He then told me to go back to my seat and finally, i was able to squeeze out a “sorry.” Even though i had been feeling it the whole time, i was just too distraught to even think of saying it, and i know he probably saw that as a sign of me being remorseless.
When i sat down he continued reprimanding me tho while i just stared at the ground playing with my fingers. He said things like “is that the rule now when you don’t understand something? you sleep and use your phone? for someone who didn’t understand anything, you have absolutely no shame” and i could do was apologize again.
I spent the rest of the class staring at the ground, completely still, wishing i could disappear and doing my best to hold back my tears for about an hour until we’re dismissed and i could rush back to my dorm. I was sitting at the very front and middle too so i could feel literally everyone’s eyes on me.
The thing is, he’s actually a great and fun professor. The second he finished scolding me, he switched right back to his usual enthusiastic teaching and the class went back to laughing and engaging as if i hadn’t just humiliated myself in front of them.
I wanted to die. I was already the weird, quiet kid (edit: im not a “kid” anymore im in college but i've only gotten more anxious as i grew up). I wasn’t smart enough to make up for it either. Im literally at the bottom of the class. And now, on top of everything, im also the disrespectful bitch who pissed off an otherwise friendly professor.
I had never been the center of that much attention before (i don’t get any attention at all and am usually invisible like i prefer to be), and the first time i am it’s for the worst possible reason. I cried myself to sleep in my dorm. I have absolutely no idea how i’ll show my face in class tomorrow. I already have enough anxiety and difficulty doing just that every day.