Match Thread: Lyon vs. Ludogorets | UEFA Europa League

Lyon 1 - 1 Ludogorets

Lyon scorers: Corentin Tolisso (54')

Ludogorets scorers: Dinis Almeida (77')

Venue: Groupama Stadium, Lyon, France

Referee: Anastasios Sidiropoulos (Greece)


Starting XI Notes Subs Notes
Lucas Perri Lassine Diarra
Ainsley Maitland-Niles Rémy Descamps
Moussa Niakhaté Warmed Omari
Duje Ćaleta-Car Saël Kumbedi 84'
Abner Vinícius 79' Nicolás Tagliafico 79'
Corentin Tolisso 54' Clinton Mata
Tanner Tessmann 64' Nemanja Matić 64'
Jordan Veretout 64' Enzo Molebe
Ernest Nuamah 37' 84' Alexandre Lacazette 64'
Georges Mikautadze
Rayan Cherki

Manager: Jorge Maciel (Portugal)


Starting XI Notes Subs Notes
Sergio Padt Damyan Hristov
Son 79' Hendrik Bonmann
Olivier Verdon Georgi Terziev
Dinis Almeida 77' Edvin Kurtulus 79'
Anton Nedyalkov 74' Denny Gropper 74'
Pedro Naressi Georgi Rusev 79'
Aguibou Camara Metodiy Stefanov
Jakub Piotrowski 82' Deroy Duarte 90'
Erick Marcus 72' 79' Ivaylo Chochev 74'
Rwan Cruz 90' Filip Gigov
Caio Vidal 74'

Manager: Igor Jovićević (Croatia)


1': We're off!

7': Rwan Cruz with a cheeky backheel shot! Ćaleta-Car deflects it wide.

9': Vidal fires off the mark from distance.

10': Vidal puts it wide of the near post from close range!

15': Ludogorets takes a corner, it's half-cleared and then fired by Erick Marcus, a rocket that goes just over the net.

21': Son takes a shot, routine save for Lucas Perri

24': Cherki with a turning shot! Puts it just over.

26': WHAT A SAVE! Tolisso fires a bullet bouncing header that's unsaveable seemingly and yet somehow Padt swats it away!

27': SAVE! The Lyon corner comes in and Ćaleta-Car fires another bullet header, again Padt keeps it out!

30': Tessmann with a weak shot from outside the box, easily saved

35': Caio Vidal fires from an angle, right at the keeper.

35': SAVE!! Nuamah is off on the counter, cuts around his defender and fires but Padt just gets a hand behind it!

37': Ernest Nuamah catches Son in the face with his elbow

41': Nuamah cuts inside and shoots but Padt's got it at the near post.

45+1': SAAAVE! Camara steers through a crowd of defenders and fires but Perri gets down to guard the bottom near corner!

HT Lyon 0-0 Ludogorets Lyon back in it after a rough start, both sides have had big chances and forced big saves but as of yet no goals

46': We're back!

51': Cherki mishits his volley high and wide.

54': GOAL LYON! Ludogorets has a chance to clear it and they don't! Son makes a weak backpass to his keeper, Mikautadze leaps on it and quickly gets it to Corentin Tolisso for a tap-in!

60': Mikautadze goes down in the box under a challenge from Almeida, ref doesn't give it but he doesn't look sure... VAR doesn't give it either

64': Lyon double sub: Nemanja Matić and Alexandre Lacazette on for Jordan Veretout and Tanner Tessmann

69': Caio Vidal rushes and skies his shot.

70': SAVE! Counter was on but Maitland-Niles's shot is blocked.

72': Erick Marcus gets whistled for pulling back Tolisso by the shirt, gets a card for it too, possibly for dissent

73': Cherki's close-range header is right at the keeper, keeper wasn't even a little prepared for it but it bounced off of him

74': Ludogorets double sub: Ivaylo Chochev and Denis Gropper on for Caio Vidal and Anton Nedyalkov

77': GOAL LUDOGORETS! Dinis Almeida picks up the ball and launches a counter, and then drifts in from nowhere to get the ball back and glance it in!

79': Lyon substitution: Nicolás Tagliafico on for Abner Vinícius

79': Ludogorets double sub: Edvin Kurtulus and Georgi Rusev on for Erick Marcus and Son

82': Jakub Piotrowski wrestles down Cherki tactically

84': Lyon substitution: Saël Kumbedi on for Ernest Nuamah

90': Ludogorets substitution: Deroy Duarte on for Rwan Cruz

90+2': SAAAVE!! A diving header by Camara but it's kept out by Perri! Camara kicks the post in frustration!

FT Lyon 1-1 Ludogorets Fonseca will fix this