Match Thread: Lyon vs. Ludogorets | UEFA Europa League
Lyon 1 - 1 Ludogorets
Lyon scorers: Corentin Tolisso (54')
Ludogorets scorers: Dinis Almeida (77')
Venue: Groupama Stadium, Lyon, France
Referee: Anastasios Sidiropoulos (Greece)
Starting XI | Notes | Subs | Notes |
Lucas Perri | Lassine Diarra | ||
Ainsley Maitland-Niles | Rémy Descamps | ||
Moussa Niakhaté | Warmed Omari | ||
Duje Ćaleta-Car | Saël Kumbedi | 84' | |
Abner Vinícius | 79' | Nicolás Tagliafico | 79' |
Corentin Tolisso | 54' | Clinton Mata | |
Tanner Tessmann | 64' | Nemanja Matić | 64' |
Jordan Veretout | 64' | Enzo Molebe | |
Ernest Nuamah | 37' 84' | Alexandre Lacazette | 64' |
Georges Mikautadze | |||
Rayan Cherki |
Manager: Jorge Maciel (Portugal)
Starting XI | Notes | Subs | Notes |
Sergio Padt | Damyan Hristov | ||
Son | 79' | Hendrik Bonmann | |
Olivier Verdon | Georgi Terziev | ||
Dinis Almeida | 77' | Edvin Kurtulus | 79' |
Anton Nedyalkov | 74' | Denny Gropper | 74' |
Pedro Naressi | Georgi Rusev | 79' | |
Aguibou Camara | Metodiy Stefanov | ||
Jakub Piotrowski | 82' | Deroy Duarte | 90' |
Erick Marcus | 72' 79' | Ivaylo Chochev | 74' |
Rwan Cruz | 90' | Filip Gigov | |
Caio Vidal | 74' |
Manager: Igor Jovićević (Croatia)
1': We're off!
7': Rwan Cruz with a cheeky backheel shot! Ćaleta-Car deflects it wide.
9': Vidal fires off the mark from distance.
10': Vidal puts it wide of the near post from close range!
15': Ludogorets takes a corner, it's half-cleared and then fired by Erick Marcus, a rocket that goes just over the net.
21': Son takes a shot, routine save for Lucas Perri
24': Cherki with a turning shot! Puts it just over.
26': WHAT A SAVE! Tolisso fires a bullet bouncing header that's unsaveable seemingly and yet somehow Padt swats it away!
27': SAVE! The Lyon corner comes in and Ćaleta-Car fires another bullet header, again Padt keeps it out!
30': Tessmann with a weak shot from outside the box, easily saved
35': Caio Vidal fires from an angle, right at the keeper.
35': SAVE!! Nuamah is off on the counter, cuts around his defender and fires but Padt just gets a hand behind it!
37': Ernest Nuamah catches Son in the face with his elbow
41': Nuamah cuts inside and shoots but Padt's got it at the near post.
45+1': SAAAVE! Camara steers through a crowd of defenders and fires but Perri gets down to guard the bottom near corner!
HT Lyon 0-0 Ludogorets Lyon back in it after a rough start, both sides have had big chances and forced big saves but as of yet no goals
46': We're back!
51': Cherki mishits his volley high and wide.
54': GOAL LYON! Ludogorets has a chance to clear it and they don't! Son makes a weak backpass to his keeper, Mikautadze leaps on it and quickly gets it to Corentin Tolisso for a tap-in!
60': Mikautadze goes down in the box under a challenge from Almeida, ref doesn't give it but he doesn't look sure... VAR doesn't give it either
64': Lyon double sub: Nemanja Matić and Alexandre Lacazette on for Jordan Veretout and Tanner Tessmann
69': Caio Vidal rushes and skies his shot.
70': SAVE! Counter was on but Maitland-Niles's shot is blocked.
72': Erick Marcus gets whistled for pulling back Tolisso by the shirt, gets a card for it too, possibly for dissent
73': Cherki's close-range header is right at the keeper, keeper wasn't even a little prepared for it but it bounced off of him
74': Ludogorets double sub: Ivaylo Chochev and Denis Gropper on for Caio Vidal and Anton Nedyalkov
77': GOAL LUDOGORETS! Dinis Almeida picks up the ball and launches a counter, and then drifts in from nowhere to get the ball back and glance it in!
79': Lyon substitution: Nicolás Tagliafico on for Abner Vinícius
79': Ludogorets double sub: Edvin Kurtulus and Georgi Rusev on for Erick Marcus and Son
82': Jakub Piotrowski wrestles down Cherki tactically
84': Lyon substitution: Saël Kumbedi on for Ernest Nuamah
90': Ludogorets substitution: Deroy Duarte on for Rwan Cruz
90+2': SAAAVE!! A diving header by Camara but it's kept out by Perri! Camara kicks the post in frustration!
FT Lyon 1-1 Ludogorets Fonseca will fix this