How do I switch edges faster?

Hey all, I shared my first day snowboarding last Friday, and I’ve gone two more times in that time frame. I got used to the toe edge on the second day by just going down the bunny slope slowly but never used it when going fast as i wasn’t fully comfortable with it. Today, i was on a blue (small resort, so probably a green at a big resort), and I was getting the hang of S turns at a somewhat slow speed and even used my toe edge to stop a couple times. The problem is I can’t turn very fast due to it taking a second or two to initiate the turn. My mind works like this: I am on heel edge both feet (falling leaf), transition by pushing weight to front heel, flatline board downwards, weight is now balanced between feet equally, then initiate toe turn by putting a bit of weight on my lead toe, then transition to both toes pushing down. This to me, takes 1-2 seconds so I am unable to comprehend how in the heck some snowboarders just zigzag down the hill. I didn’t try any faster because i felt the board about to catch an edge if I tried to switch edges in a faster manner. Overall, I definitely am loving my progress but I did eat the ground when I realized I heel edged on the far right of the slope and couldn’t initiate a toe turn fast enough so i basically falling leaf’ed into a ditch.