What are the most important skills to learn to take on steep black runs?

This post is going to be long because I've been thinking alot about my riding and where i need to improve. Thus, i feel it necessary to explain exactly what im thinking and how im struggling.

I'm on my 3rd season of riding. I understand progress starts to slow down the more advanced you get, but making the leap from blue runs to single diamond black runs has been difficult.

I ride at Stevens Pass, WA mostly.

I can carve on groomed runs. I can go through all the blue rated trails. The hardest blue out here has a 30 degree slope with some mild moguls, sometimes bigger depending on time of day. Usually not too icy. The black runs start at about 35 degrees here.

My biggest issue on steeper runs is turn intiation and speed control.

With turns, i have 2 problems. First, i find initiating a bit more awkward. I have to unweight an edge so fast it basically feels like a small hop and whip my board around in order to prevent catching an edge. Is that normal? The 2nd issue is heel side chatter. I think I've found my issue but its a work in progress. Whenever doing a heel side turn i don't face the direction im going. I face down the fall line so my body isn't inline with the board. Also i ride a little bit lazy at times and really dont squat down enough. Any other advice would be appreciated.

As far as speed control goes, the problem is related to turns. From my understanding, speed can essentially but controlled via 2 mechanisms, turn size/radius and skidding. The first is done by doing a quick and tight short radius turn, thus reducing the amount of time facing the fall line, hence less speed. I find this extremely difficult even on the steeper blues. The 2nd is of course skidding which has been the main mechanism ive been using to control speed. I usually end up trying to tighten my turns, gain too much speed, then add a skid somewhere in the middle of the turn to slow down. I'd really like to learn how to minimize the use of skidding. I know skidding has its place but i see guys right besides me barely skidding whipping the board around, connecting turns, going around moguls effortlessly. I want to do that.

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.