Partially amortising loan - small business
I am in the process of taking on a loan to buy a small business in my field.
Of course I have the choice of a fixed rate or a tracker rate, I am still considering this but I feel currently it is not very clear where interest rates are going to go in the next several years. I think most likely tracker.
In terms of loan structure there is the option of a fixed term ie the rate and term will be the same over the 20 years. The other option is a partially amortising loan where the loan if set for the first 5 years or so and then will have to be refinanced.
I am struggling to decide between the above two options. I think the full term loan will give a bit more security and kind of set. Yet the partially amortising is slightly cheaper, in the grand scheme of things not much cheaper a few hundred pounds a month, and also will give the opportunity to refinance in 5 years where rates might be cheaper or Could take a larger/ Smaller loan.
Any thoughts would be appreciated, I may also be able to do a mix or combination of the above as a couple of loans will be taken out for different aspects of the business.