Do These Things Encourage Team Innovation and Creativity?
I realize that a creative and innovative team always gets successful results. These are considered the most important components of a progressive team. Creativity and innovation make employees more productive and efficient that directly affects the performance of the overall organization. However, team innovation is a huge challenge. Its implication is not as easy as it sounds. You need proper strategy and guidance, technologies, and software, etc. Some study indicated that around 63% of companies are now bringing chief innovation officers. But, I'm not sure does it work for a small-scale business. Here what's I have find out:
1. Make Work Fun
When the workplace has a fun environment, employees feel relaxed. They will enjoy working instead of considering it a burden. Also, it is essential for boosting the creativity of employees in the workplace.
While under stress, the human body releases a specific type of hormone called cortisol. These hormones hurt the overall health of employees. If you give any problem-solving task to such employees, they will not be able to solve it. This ultimately makes innovation and creativity at work questionable.
2. Reward
The reward can be used as a motivating factor. Team innovation improves when you associate some rewards with it. Even if the employees fail to meet the requirements, do not discourage them. If not rewarded, then at least use positive and motivating sentences for them to encourage them. I'm not sure about this. I think innovation and creativity is something bear in your mind suddenly, not something you have a reward pushing to do. We cannot force it to come up.
3. Toxic People Should be Out of the Team
In teams, you can find a wide variety of people, even some toxic people too. Such people negatively affect the work environment in the office. Team leaders and higher authorities must identify such people. Along with affecting them psychologically, they also impact team innovation. I think this is right. No toxic workplace work well and support to everyone's wellness and productivity.
4. Encourage Them to Think Outside the Box
Innovation does not come with traditional thinking. When teams begin thinking outside the box, they come up with unique and creative ideas. For this, you can switch team members, assign them different projects, inculcate thinking habits in them, and more.
How do you think about it? I'm considering to try 1-3-4 ideas on my business. Any ideas about it?