Anyone else feeling the heat of the anti-AI movement?

It’s no secret that the landscape of public opinion on AI has already become sharply divided, with a growing chasm between advocates and opponents. I anticipated this divide, but the speed and intensity with which it has emerged has caught me by surprise. Despite not being directly involved in AI development, my enthusiasm for its progress has led to a noticeable rift with some of my friends and followers on social media - many of them unfriending/unfollowing me. To them, my support for AI seems to position me as an adversary. Their hate persists despite AI’s remarkable achievements, provoking a sort of modern-day Luddite movement. They appear to be so focused on the potential negatives that they overlook the positives, almost with a kind of zealous fervor. I’ve come to accept that my views won’t change, and it seems theirs won’t either.

Based on the current trend, I foresee this schism becoming much more poignant in the near future. To the point that it might even be dangerous to be pro-AI.

That said, there does seem to be a silver lining! I’ve found that my relationships with fellow AI enthusiasts are growing stronger, and our conversations more enriching. This division, while challenging, is also fostering deeper connections among those of us who share a vision for the future. Moreover, for those who take a more neutral stance or general ignorance towards AI’s progress, I’ve been able to spark interesting and intelligent discussions, even winning some of them over!

This is just a personal anecdote, to be sure. Also, a bit of a vent, but I’m curious – has anyone else been experiencing something similar?