Nobsound Mini Bluetooth is junk?

I have killed two of them already. I’ve replaced one that died and now the second one died too. When I say killed, I mean zero output to speakers but still has power and recognized by my PC and shows output.

I have two separate nobsound mini usb amps. Each amp has a Dayton Audio BST-1 and a TT25-8 connected.

BST-1 - pedal plate TT25-8 - gas pedal

BST-1 - seat TT25-8 - brake pedal

The one covering the seat and gas pedal has died twice now. I’m using the base power supply supplied for each and know these are not very high wattage. The power supplies are still good though and the amp still shows power. Any idea why?

I have switched things around for troubleshooting and the issue follows the amp, not the power supplies, speakers or cables.

Instead of getting another one, does anyone recommend something different? I need USB input to the amp based on my setup.