Announcement on new subreddit policy for X / Twitter links and experimentation with subreddit live chat

After Elon Musk's recent actions the r/simcity4 moderator team met to determine what action to take and after careful analysis we agreed to ban all X /Twitter links from this subreddit with imemdiate effect.

The choice although may seem to be to be a political move, in reality the choice was based on what X /Twitter can offer and because of too many bots that are ruining the related content of SimCity and SimCity 4 in addition to a very bad service that the social network is offering and the inability to see the content if you are not registered.

For this reason, a ban has been decided. If one of your posts that you are publishing contains links from X / Twitter it will imemdiately auto-moderate which will delete the post and there will be a message identifying the reason for the deletion.

Also, we would like to remind you that there are alternatives to X / Twitter such as Bluesky and Mastodon and in these social networks are available the public accounts of NAM Team members such as Tarkus, Ulisse Wolf etc..

Below are links to the accounts for those who want to follow along



To compensate for this loss, the subreddit's live chat was enabled, allowing mayors to have a fast communication space. The live chat is in the experimental phase and its duration depends on how the experiment goes on.

You can join the live chat with this link

This post remains open for comments but I remind you that this subreddit is dedicated to a video game and therefore it is highly recommended to remove political ideologies that are not relevant to urban planning and to be civil one with another. Users who do not respect the rules of civil coexistence will be subject to sanctions

Thank you for your cooperation and good building mayors!