I'm illegal
so basically I Live in iran now you probably know what that means. if you don't know ppl get executed for being gay and trans ppl are "legal" but literally don't have any rights I was planning to do diy when I turned 18 and I think that plans done for cause I would literally be illegal and if someone wanted to hurt me they could literally have me thrown in jail and also trans people get treated like shit so the only option is to move somewhere else which with the financial state of this country is very hard barley anyone is able to immigrate so the only way I could do that is by doing something like youtube or sum so I'm fucked. I was already dealing with alot of depression and dysphoria before but now it's gotten worse I feel hopeless and I think I am there is no way my life can get better I want to die I wish I was never born what the fuck am I supposed to do?? sometimes I think about killing myself just so that my family feels guilty that they never checked up or helped me in any kind of way regarding mental health only telling me I'm doing it for attention I'm only out to a couple of my friends which also don't care they accept me but they aren't the type to try help you with your mental shit everything in my life is a mess I'm poor and i mean poor poor, I'm trans, I don't have anyone I can trust, my academics are going down and down everyday my grades are on the edge of Mr repeating a year I'm skipping school alot like it's an unconscious decision, I don't have friends that live near me I only go to my old neighborhood once a week just to see my friends, my parents are super strict, I don't have any privacy cause I don't have a room or any place I can be by myself, the only thing I'm looking forward to is having a job in summer cause that means I can buy stuff and that's just fucking sad the only thing I'm looking forward to is fucking minimum wage, I'm actually rationalizing it in my head that suicide is my best option. wow that's alot of text sorry
so basically I Live in iran now you probably know what that means. if you don't know ppl get executed for being gay and trans ppl are "legal" but literally don't have any rights I was planning to do diy when I turned 18 and I think that plans done for cause I would literally be illegal and if someone wanted to hurt me they could literally have me thrown in jail and also trans people get treated like shit so the only option is to move somewhere else which with the financial state of this country is very hard barley anyone is able to immigrate so the only way I could do that is by doing something like youtube or sum so I'm fucked. I was already dealing with alot of depression and dysphoria before but now it's gotten worse I feel hopeless and I think I am there is no way my life can get better I want to die I wish I was never born what the fuck am I supposed to do?? sometimes I think about killing myself just so that my family feels guilty that they never checked up or helped me in any kind of way regarding mental health only telling me I'm doing it for attention I'm only out to a couple of my friends which also don't care they accept me but they aren't the type to try help you with your mental shit everything in my life is a mess I'm poor and i mean poor poor, I'm trans, I don't have anyone I can trust, my academics are going down and down everyday my grades are on the edge of Mr repeating a year I'm skipping school alot like it's an unconscious decision, I don't have friends that live near me I only go to my old neighborhood once a week just to see my friends, my parents are super strict, I don't have any privacy cause I don't have a room or any place I can be by myself, the only thing I'm looking forward to is having a job in summer cause that means I can buy stuff and that's just fucking sad the only thing I'm looking forward to is fucking minimum wage, I'm actually rationalizing it in my head that suicide is my best option. wow that's alot of text sorry