My best friend tried shrooms now he’s crazy and doesnt act the sam

So few months ago my buddy tried shrooms, he said they’re rly good and i should try some. I didn’t, in glad. He wasn’t exactly in a good mental state before cous of his ex, job, hair loss.. He said to me that shrooms changed his view of the world or something. We haven’t spoken in two months. I got to see him today it was kinda akward, i tought cous we haven’t talked in a while. Well no, he started yapping all kind of nonsense about how he doesn’t wanna have the sam convos with me, share memes funny shit and so on. That isnt him at all, we did so much shit together and now its like he doesnt know me. It rly hurts. Like he rly acta crazy, talking bout how we are all alone you can only thrust yourself and noone else, and he needs space to go thru some stuff alone and all that. He did say he will probably contact me again but idk man, everyone needs space sometimes but this aint him, his space is playing mobile shit games all day. We shared everything, the dude i know from few months ago would laugh at the dude he us now, like we would make fun of crazy ppl like that. So if anyone see this and has any kind of experience i would kindly ask to help me help him, he is not himself, he was kinda strange before but in a good way, now he talks like some hobo. So please help me get my bro back. Ty.