How can a girl find random hookups at clubs?

I’d really like to find hookups at the club however don’t really know how. I’ve never hooked up with anyone, only ever got with my bf in longer term relationships, and I’m not really sure what to do. I’ve found loads of advice for guys but none to help us straight girlies!

I don’t really know how I’m meant to approach them, I’m so used to guys just approaching me when I’m with my normal friends back at home and stuff. My uni friends however aren’t that big fans of clubs, but I’d like to go just to get out and have a bit of fun. That will mean however I’m by myself, and I’m worried guys wouldn’t approach me if I’m on my own. I was planning on just chatting away to other girls and make friends with them if I can, but my main goal is to find hookups but is it weird to approach a guy? If I am to approach them what should I do, how can I eventually go back to his/ bring him back to mine without being like too forward?

I’m a pretty outgoing person when with people I know but a relatively shy person by myself, of course having drinks will help a bit, but I’m sure I’ll be pretty nervous going out on my own, and then trying to merge into groups of people who already know each other. Would I be better waiting till later till everyone’s a bit more drunk lol? If so what time?

What should I look for in guys? Like is there a tell to know if they are interested in you, or that they’re looking for a hookup?

Any help or advice is appreciated!! Thanks in advance.