Does reading books matter for education?

I (22) recently had an argument with my dad (59). He said that to be educated and successful you should be well-read or literate. I have debated with him but he's so stubborn I couldn't have change his mind. He said that it's impossible to be educated without having some books read. And not regular books but rather "don quixote" or something that's admirable and recognised. I kept arguing that good books are subjective but he said that good books are those which stood the test of time and it's Mandatory to read them. I also said that being well-educated is subjective and there are other sources of education in our time rather than books. But I couldn't change his mind . For me books are a possibility to relax and I read only those books that match my interests, not the ones that are appreciated by others. But I wonder if anyone agrees with him and sees his point.