Email Provider with custom domainname.


I'm part of a Belgian youthmovement of a small town. We used Mediaraven to host our website and mailboxes. The problem is that they will quit supporting websites and mailboxes by september of 2025. We handled the website part by moving over to WordPress. But because I don't know a lot about mailboxes and all the stuff that comes with it, I have a hard time to find a good alternative. We payed mediaraven €40/year for the website and mailboxes. For our website domain we pay €4/year with us using WordPress now. So our budget would be around €40-50/year. We need emails for 16 people, 1 common mail and another one for the people leading our group of volunteers. The amount of people and thus emails will change every year and can vary between 10-30. What would you guys recommend we switch to?

PS: I'm not the one managing everything so don't know a lot about how we worked in the past. All I know is that all mails to our email and to the common email is redirected to our personal emails.

Thanks in advance!