Is self harm “cringe”?

I haven’t thought about this for a long time, but last year I was hanging out with my two best friends, (let’s call them Ariana and Billie). Billie had self harmed before when she was a kid and we bonded over that when we first met. Ariana had been there for me when she first found out and was really cautious about talking about it.

This changed last year, when Ariana became more open about making jokes or comments about my scars and my history. This was fine with me, because I didn’t feel like she was making fun of me, and I was glad we could be close enough for her to be comfortable like that.

I haven’t thought about this incident in a long time, but Ariana said something last year that bugs me when I think about it now. She said something along the lines of “it’s so cringey that you used to cut”. I was kinda taken aback by that, so I turned to Billie with a kinda sarcastic “whattttt” face, thinking she would say something. But she kinda just nodded and laughed and said “yeah”.

I’m really bad with social cues (probably autism) and I always feel like I’m missing something deeper in almost every situation, so this kind of thing happens a lot to me, but this was really confusing. I thought at least Billie would say something since she struggled with self harm too, but she agreed. The thought that self harm was “cringe” never really occurred to me until that, but I kinda brushed it off at the time. But I’ve been thinking more and more about that moment and I’m kind of freaking out. What do other people thing when they see my scars? Do they think I’m weird or cringe? I’ve stopped talking about it or wearing clothes that show my scars now, but the thought of other people’s judgment about this still really bothers me.

Has anyone else had this experience before?