Censoring some conservative comments Reddit discourages important conversations we should all be having
For starters, I'm center-left. I do agree that racist, homophobic, and conservative views that are obviously hateful should be deleted. But Reddit acts like being conservative or leaning conservative automatically means you shouldn't be able to voice your views. People should be willing to expose themselves to different views on topics and have their opinions challenged. Important topics like taxation and healthcare need input from all sides so that we can all collectively find solutions to problems. Historically, controversial ideas (e.g., civil rights, free market policies) were debated before becoming widely accepted.
The more Reddit censors conservative-leaning comments, the less likely all sides of the political spectrum will have their opinions challenged. I want to see why conservatives think taxes should be lower and why business competition is the best way to stimulate economic growth. I also want to see people with opposing views reply and challenge their views, because that's the problem: lots of these views may be based on incorrect information, and they'll never know since no one was there to debate said views in the first place.
Open discussions promote critical thinking and to do so you have to accept the fact that you're gonna have to sit through opinions you disagree with.
Censoring will just lead to users growing resentful of the opposing side and the platform itself. We need to encourage Reddit users to engage respectfully in discussions rather than calling for censorship. Differing opinions do not warrant censorship.