Please report the trolls and don't throw the second punch.
The amount of fighting in this sub has decreased dramatically while the membership, comments and views have increased. We're over 27k and growing.
Don't throw the second punch even if you're provoked. We're getting an uptick people baiting or breaking the rules then reporting the people that respond. The trolls get fat under the bridge by all the people they've baited.
These next four years will be a sea of negative news and events. Stay engaged but protect your mental health as well. Mix-in cute puppy videos with the doom scrolling. I don't underestimate just how bad this Trump term will be.
Buckle-up for the mid-terms where we'll get invaded again by neolibs telling us how this is the most important election of our lifetime and only a corporate shill can save us from the camps.
Thank you for posting, commenting and reading this sub. Remember the person that has a 2% disagreement on policy is not your enemy. Fascism is real and they received the majority vote. Don't turn an ally into an enemy. And despite the wish of certain TyT hosts that push the mythical republican populist ally theory they are not on our side. The goal should be to win over normie democrats not to cuddle up with fascists.
As MSNBC, CNN, Facebook and apparently TyT have bended the knee there are not a lot of lefty spaces remaining. Let's keep this space fun, informative and full of discussions and debate where we can attack arguments and not each other.
Happy New Year r/seculartalk