Be careful shopping on Secretlabs, make no mistakes! (at least in Europe)
I just want to share my shopping experience. I bought some stuff on Black Friday, including a Magpad. By mistake I bought the regular version, instead of the XL. I contacted the support team, to change it, and they said that they accept the return, but I need to find a way to send it to them.
So, from Portugal to Poland, the cheapest transportation that I found was 40 Euros. So I contacted SecretLab asking if they can like use there delivery company, that probably would be cheaper than 40 euros. I said that I will pay it. They reply this:
"I have gone ahead and checked with the team on what we can do for you. While the customer usually has to make the return shipping arrangements, I will be able to assist with this by extending our corporate shipping rates to you. With this arrangement, a courier will collect the items from your address and ship them to our warehouse at the rate of €65.00. Please let me know if this works for you and I will make the arrangements accordingly."
So, in conclusion, SecretLab support team worked together to gave me the chance to pay 65 euros to return a 65 euros product, to then receave 65 euros. What a deal! (If it didn't happen to me, I would find it hilarious)
Conclusion. SecretLab give 0 support on returns, so you will end up spending alot of money if you make a mistake.
I will try to sell the Magpad in vinted or something.
I didn't expect this for a company that sell chairs at 500 euros and tables at 1000 euros. The products maybe premium, but I was really disappointing with the support. Maybe I expected to much, but I feel that they simply don't care. I will probably never by from them again.