Don’t lose hope - Read this

It has been a long time since I was in this subreddit. I was spending nights here because I could not get rid of scabies for months, almost a year, at least that’s what I thought. I developed severe sleep issues, health and general anxiety and panic attacks and it got so bad that I am on medication now. Well this sounds super bad, but it would not have been that way if I had known earlier what I know now.

I treated myself countless times with cream and pills. The dots came back again and again and I felt like I have no control anymore and constant paranoia to give it so someone. Until they stayed away for two weeks, I had skin to skin contact again and everything. Then the rash and itchiness came back, and I was sure I gave it to people. Turns out, I did not. Not even after long long skin to skin. I went to the dermatologist again and again, and she said my symptoms look like scabies, but she could not find any mites. It was post-scabies. And don’t let the internet fool you, there is way to less research about this. Post-scabies does not stay only for a little while, it can stay waaaay longer, especially if you destroyed your skin with several treatments, like I did. I am scabies free since almost a year now, and sometimes when I get dry skin, the symptoms come back at certain spots. But I never gave it to anyone, no situationship, no one. Also, the mind is powerfull - I am sure a part of my symptoms were also caused by my declining mental health and the paranoia, I was basically waiting all the time for new spots and itchiness.

What I want to say: I know the uncertainty can make you literally crazy. But if you have been thourough with the cleaning and treatments, you are fine!! Post scabies is real and stays longer than google says. You will get over this, don’t give up ♥️