I hate Neptune and Uranus. Am I alone?
So I just finished season 3 of the OG series and I was pissed nearly every time Sailor Neptune and Uranus appeared. They're always just wrong and needlessly secretive for no other reason than having this stubborn superiority complex. They're so cocky about being stronger and more mature but they constantly do nothing and sometimes make things worse, like when they walked right into that trap Eudial set that would have worked if not for Usagi coming to save them. The other sailor guardians have saved the world 3 times by this point but the two still just reject their help while basing so much of their motivations on vague dreams they had. I probably wouldn't have been so mad or annoyed at these characters, but by the end they barely get taught a lesson. They challenge Usagi to a fight, Usagi makes them hit each other, they recognize her as the queen and then leave. It felt so unsatisfying. I know these characters have fans, and I really am wondering if I'm alone on this? I love they're animation sequences, fashion, and having very direct lesbian representation, but I just hate everything else about them.