What's the extent of acceptable keybinds/macros for PVM?
I really want to attempt some of the challenging Combat Mastery achievements and generally get better at PVM, and for a long time have wanted to get a left hand gaming key pad for PVM and finally bought one.
On one hand, I know that means getting better at executing switches although I've often hit technical issues with switches in the past that have resulted in deaths. The issue being that clicking multiple items in your inventory in rapid succession results in every other item equipping, while the click doesn't register for the others. This is also an apparent issue when doing something like burying a whole inventory of bones by rapidly clicking the bones in your inventory. I've tried putting my switches on keybinds as well, but clicking multiple keybinds in rapid succession occasionally (but not as often) results in one keybind not activating, however when burying bones is put on a keybind, you can spam it in rapid succession and each press of the key executes as intended. I'm sure this comes down to how often the server registers client side inputs, in which case it seems very much a technical flaw that creates inconsistency.
On the other hand....I know that despite technically being against the rules, PVM macros are not punished like other forms of macroing in the game. The new game pad I bought has the ability to set a macro to a keybind, but the temptation to use it seems to be a double edged sword.
If I set a macro to execute a switch that requires multiple swaps all in the same tick with just a single key input, I could almost guarantee to eliminate the technical issue of multiple inputs not registering, which to me seems more like a fix to an unintended bug than a way to cheat, and PVM macroing doesn't seem to get punished, so signs point to this being an acceptable thing to do, like a revo bar for switches...at the same time. the official Jagex stance on Macros is 'No', and while they seem to allow PVM macros, they haven't given an official stance as to why they don't punish them and I don't want to get the banhammer if they ever decide to punish it.
What is the acceptable limitation of programmable keybinds? Obviously a full DPS rotation or entire boss fight would be a no no, but what about 1 input that swaps 2-3 items?