Today's news post isn't a win.

Hate to burst your bubble.

Removing Hero Pass accomplished... what, exactly? It was already rebalanced into what I would say, is an ideal Battlepass:- Quick to complete- No P2W- Mostly cosmetic except for some convenience items.

"But we got rid of a form of MTX, spoke with our wallets, and were listened to!" Sure, this is true, if you had blinders on and only cared about removing Hero Pass and ignored everything else.

Hero Pass WAS NOT the problem, it was a symptom. I've said this before, I'll say it again. The egregious amounts of predatory MTX within this game are the REAL problem. Not the pass (in its current iteration).

My concern is that Jagex, and Carlyle, are using the removal of Hero Pass as a scape goat to shut you all up so all the conversations about removing gameplay advantages from MTX, shrinking the amount of monetization layers in the game, etc, can quietly die off as we go back to business as usual, except this time, with EVEN MORE TH PROMOS, cuz papa Carlyle's gotta get those projected earnings they were promised with Hero Pass, one way or another!

All I ask, is that pressure continue to be applied in regard to how Jagex handles monetizing RS3 and how it handles MTX. If the same rules they began applying to Hero Pass could be applied to TH (limited gameplay advantages, fair rates, etc), things like SGS being properly sunsetted, and it's buyable gameplay advantages removed/distributed through gameplay, Runemetric Pro being attached to membership or premier. Once we start seeing changes like THAT, then I think it's safe to say the game is improving.

Just don't rest on your laurels, removing HP did nothing.

Edit: My wording might've been a bit harsh, it's not to say that removing HP did literally nothing (even though they all but confirmed they intend to bring it back, in concept.), but that's it's only a small step in the right direction, and we should not slow down, regardless of how 'bored' people are of the conversation.