How many people are actually wearing a Rolex?
I’m assuming most of us on this forum are watch enthusiasts and view watch content on the internet often and even attend watch related events. One thing I often see is people in the comments saying something along the lines of, “Rolex is so overrated and basic. Everyone is flexing a Datejust or Submariner”. But in reality, how many people actually have and wear a Rolex that’s 10 years or younger? They make about 1.2 million watches a year but I’m not sure how long that has been for. In general I’m excluding ladies’ models when considering this. I heard somewhere that there have been maybe 4 million or so submariners made in history but many are obviously old, lost, ruined, or unwearable. Do you know the validity or have an opinion on any of these statements? With the opening of new Rolex factories in the coming years, I wonder how that will change the buying experience!