Medieval zombie game progress and also a few questions

First of all here's a few photos of some stuff ive done so far (in roblox only) for a medieval zombie apocalypse type game.I want to recreate real life medieval battles and sieges, and possibly invent some fictional ones. I'm aiming for the game to be as historically realistic as possible.

And now i have a few questions; Is there a way to implement large scale battles? As in have the players be in a team with lets say a few hundred npcs against a zombie army of the same amount. Or is it too much for roblox? Secondly, what would be the best way to make a map feel vast, being able to see the mountains in the distance for example, would adding large landscape pictures do the trick?

Finally, not a question but i know how to make models, animate and do music, but i have zero knowledge about scripting or blender and i'm alone on the team so if you're interested to share this journey with me, i'd be glad! (all i'm doing so far is only for "fun", not profit therefore i don't pay your works, i'm not begging for a slave, just asking for a new friend or two to make this game with) I'm very motivated on this project.