I’m tired of being gaslit by players about the current state of Winter Soldier
This character is obviously overturned and in desperate need of some type of nerf. His kit offers far too much value for how little skill is currently required. The very fact that every basic ability in his arsenal is has a form of crowd control attached to it (with his pull being BOTH a displacement & a stun) is a crime against game balance.
I’m so sick and tired of being gaslit by Bucky mains when games nowadays boil down to which team has the better Bucky. I’m really tired of seeing him in every single one of my ranked games.
The most logical place to start for potential Bucky nerfs is simply requiring that he actually has to HIT HIS ABILITIES to gain the bonus health. Explain to me why can he whiff every ability and not only will he automatically reload his gun, but he will gain also 40-50 bonus health?
Edit: I’m Celestial 2. Please spare me the “get good” comments lol