Getting over the fear of my bearded dragon?

For those who were scared to touch your bearded dragon when you first got him, how did you get over your fear? I’ve had mine for a couple days now, and I’m scared to touch and hold him. I guess I’m afraid of him biting me or black bearding. I don’t have a problem with putting my hands in the tank and feeding him, it’s just trying to pick him up and let him chill out of his enclosure. How to get over this fear? He’s such a sweet heart too. No hissing, biting etc.

My friend can go in his enclosure and grab him no problem, but when I do it, I freeze and can’t? What gives?

For those who were scared to touch your bearded dragon when you first got him, how did you get over your fear? I’ve had mine for a couple days now, and I’m scared to touch and hold him. I guess I’m afraid of him biting me or black bearding. I don’t have a problem with putting my hands in the tank and feeding him, it’s just trying to pick him up and let him chill out of his enclosure. How to get over this fear? He’s such a sweet heart too. No hissing, biting etc.

My friend can go in his enclosure and grab him no problem, but when I do it, I freeze and can’t? What gives?