Should I [34F] send a letter to my boyfriend [32M] about our last fight?

Throwaway account because my bf knows my main account.

I'll try to keep this quick so please let me know if you need any more information!

So on Monday night, my boyfriend (32M) and I (34F) got in a fight and were on the phone until 2AM. We both said some things we shouldn't have said and when we ended the call, I still felt like the issue was unresolved. He had been out with his friends the night before and didn't get much sleep on Sunday night and then again on Monday bc of our argument, so on Tuesday he was very tired and we didn't talk much. I told him I would give him some space. Yesterday, we didn't talk too much throughout the day (he didn't text me so I assumed he still wanted space), and I just texted him to confirm/solidify plans we had for tonight (Thurs). I still felt really shitty yesterday but just didn't want to start another fight since he was acting somewhat normal.

If this is relevant, the fight was not about anything he did when he was out with his friends. He did something that was characteristic of my ex and I tried to talk to him about it and he gave the "I didn't think about it" answer which just triggered me even more. And we have been together for about 11 months.

We have a pattern of not arguing well and leaving our fights unresolved which is why I think the one on Monday was so bad -- everything has been building up because I never feel better after our arguments and we just carry on like nothing happened.

So I wrote a letter apologizing for freaking out at him and explaining why the thing he did upset me, and also asking him to acknowledge that he understands why it made me feel that way. It also asks him to please do XYZ in the future instead.

So I guess my question is should I send the letter to him and if so, when? We have a nice date night planned for tonight and I don't want to ruin it by bringing this up again. But I also feel like if I don't send the letter, it's going to be like every other fight we've had where it's left unresolved and we just carry on like everything is fine.

Thanks in advance!