I(33F) felt like I had found the perfect partner(31M) until he confessed his secret child. Need outside opinions on my situation?

I'm currently on an extended trip in a different country and met a guy on Halloween, we hit it off, and have been seeing eachother ever since. He's been letting me stay with him for free rather than pay for hostels or airbnb's and has really gone out of his way to make his place as much mine as it is his.

He let me reorganize all his stuff and make it how I like it, gave me a place in his closet, etc. He has great communication skills and generally has just made his appreciation, love, and commitment to me clear. Our goals in what we want out of life with a partner are aligned, and from what I've seen so far, I can genuinely say that he is exactly what I'm looking for in a partner.

But here's where the red flag comes in:

He sat me down a few weeks ago and said he had something to confess, but that he's been scared that I would reject him for it. He proceeded to tell me that he has a 4 month old daughter living in another state and he sends the mother money every week. He was practically in tears while telling me and seemed very ashamed about the whole situation.

Apparently him and the mother were never really together, they only slept together from time to time, but she was physically and emotionally abusive to him; so it's been about 10 or 11 months since anything romantic has happened between them. I'm also aware that there are two sides to every story and that women are often painted as "crazy" by men, but from what he has told me, she truly sounds like an emotionally unstable person.

A few examples range from physical abuse, breaking his cellphone, messaging other guys, and stealing his dogs (apparently she left one night after an argument and his dogs followed her, thinking they were going for a walk. After he realized they were missing, he phoned and asked her where they were and she said she didn't know. He spent all night and the next several days going out of his mind looking for them and being lied to point blank by her, swearing up and down that she didn't have them. Finally he showed up at her place bc he had a feeling, and lo and behold his dogs were there in her apartment)

Even after all of that, he says he wanted to make it work because she was pregnant, so she moved in for a little bit, but he kicked her out after a month or so for toxic and abusive behavior, afterwhich she moved several states away to live with her mother.

After the baby was born, he made the 15hr bus ride to meet the baby but was unsuccessful. He says he went to her mother's house were she was staying but she wouldn't answer the door. He waited outside and kept calling her, but when she finally picked up, she told him she didn't feel like coming down to let him in, and stopped answeing her phone. Eventually he got fed up and left. When I ask why he didn't just let himself in, he said that he wasn't going to just walk into her mom's house, whom he'd never met, and that she was purposefully making it as difficult for him as possible.

He also visited her before she had the baby, but again left and didn't stick around for the birth, as he said she was verbally abusive and awful to him every chance she got.

He has not attempted to visit his daughter again, there's little to no communication between them, and instead he just sends her money every week. I can tell that it's painful for him to talk about but I just feel like he didn't try hard enough to see his daughter. I know I wasn't there in the moment, but I feel like if it were me, there's nothing that would have stopped me from seeing my child. I would have walked right into that house no matter how unwelcome they tried to make me feel. So as of right now, he's never even met her. All he's seen of her is a picture.

When we talk about our plans for the future, he makes no mention of wanting to be near his daughter or factoring her in to any of his plans. If it's relevant, he says he wants kids and to be a parent, as that is something that is a non-negotiable for me, so it's not that he's not interested in parenting. There is also the question of paternity, as he's not even 100% sure that the child is even his.

It's just such a delicate subject that isn't entirely my business, so I don't know how to bring up my concerns. I get it that at the moment the baby is too young to be away from her mother, so there's not a whole lot he can do right now, but is he never going to try to see her again? And if so, what are the psychological effects going to be for the child whose never met their father?

And what does that make me for choosing a partner who has a child he's never met, but takes care of financially?

I'm interested in hearing outside perspectives on this situation, from level-headed thinkers. I just ask that you please try to be empathetic and kind with whatever your advice is.


Perfectly lovely boyfriend who wants to spend his life with me, revealed that he has a child whom he's never met, with a toxic and abusive woman who makes meeting his daughter extremely difficult so he just gave up for the time being, and stopped trying, accepting things for the way that they are. Need an outside perspective on how I should handle this


Thank you so much, everyone, for your advice. I really appreciate it. I'm going to speak to him tonight after work and ask him why he hasn't done a paternity test, and if he is proven to be the father, what his plan is forward from here. If those plans do not include his child, then I'm moving on from this relationship.

Thanks everyone for the clarity.


So him and I have talked, and there's been a lot revealed that I wasn't aware of, particularly the extent of the abuse. To sum it up without revealing too many details, he's traumatized to the point where he's too afraid to even be in the same room with her, as she's used weapons to threaten his life as well as her own.

Apparently she also flip-flops a lot between letting him see the child one moment, and the next telling him she'll keep her from him forever. These are all written in text message.

He has also stopped making payments as of a few weeks ago, which I was unaware of, and is putting the money aside until a paternity test and visitation can be facilitated. As for the paternity test, it costs almost a whole months wages, and he has no guarantees that she will even participate. She apparently agreed to it once, but has refused other times. So with his current financial situation of getting back on his feet, he's not in the position to purchase one in the immediate future but is working towards setting money aside for it and plans to pay any retroactive child support.

It was a delicate and emotional conversation for us to have, but he truly does want his daughter in his life; but unfortunately with the other factors at play and the way she has traumatized him, it will not be possible until the child is a little bit older.