This game sometimes makes me not wanna play it anymore..

One time when I was grinding bounties around van horn, I stumbled across a posse of 3, while I was fighting enemies for the bounty target. Accidentally I shot one of the members of the posse, I then proceeded to text him and say sorry, I guess he ignored my text and just left with his posse, 5 minutes later I found them at annesburg, he and his posse proceeded to shoot me, as I was a low lvl back then I couldn’t defend my self, so I decided to escape the area. 10 minutes later I thought that I lost them and fast traveled to a area way further than the annesburg area, I decided to grind bounties in new Austin where I could finally have some peace and relax doing my task, 10 minutes later goes by, they find and don’t leave me alone, I left the bounty target alone and hit my horse. Then they proceeded to chase me through all of new Austin, so I hid at twin rocks, at that time they were at tumbleweed, as it said on their public profile, (twin rocks is a far place from tumbleweed) I watched a YouTube video on how to fight griefers, that’s when I learned what the parlay option meant, so I went to tumbleweed just for them to kill me, then I parlayed and went on my way, and I never saw them again..