They Treat Their Dogs Better Than Their Own Baby
I don’t know where else to say this but I just need to get it off my chest. I work as a maid for a couple who might be the worst parents I’ve ever seen. They have a newborn baby. A fragile little boy who is only a few months old. And yet it seems like they don’t even care about him.
From the moment he was born it was clear that their priorities were completely messed up. They have two dogs and they treat them like royalty while their baby gets the bare minimum. It’s not even about money. They have plenty of that. The mother owns a work-from-home business that makes a lot but the irony is she doesn’t even stay home to work. She willingly leaves the house with one of her dogs and leaves the baby behind. The father is a known fuckboy who just went back to working on a cruise ship even though they don’t need the money. He didn’t do it out of necessity. He did it because he wanted to escape. And honestly I don’t blame him. The mother is incredibly controlling. Down to how he spends his money and even where he looks. One time they fought for an entire day just because he glanced at a group of people that happened to include some women.
But what really shocked me was how quickly they abandoned their child. Just a month after giving birth they were already partying and living as if they didn’t have a newborn at home. Then two months in they flew away leaving their baby behind. Three months in the father decided to go back to the cruise where he’ll be gone from October to February. Meanwhile the mother went to Europe for work leaving the baby yet again.
The worst part is the mother had plans to leave on Christmas Day to attend a music festival and won’t be back until the end of January. Who does that? Who chooses a festival over spending Christmas with their newborn baby?
I feel so sorry for this child. He’s so small. So fragile. Maybe it’s because he’s been drinking formula since birth but he just seems weaker than he should be. And yet his parents are too busy living their best lives to even notice. Right now the father has returned home but he only spent one day with his child before heading off to the capital to meet his friends. Meanwhile we’re here on this island taking care of his son while he posts about his amazing life on social media. No guilt. No remorse.
I don’t know how to process this. I’m just the maid but I can’t help but feel heartbroken for this baby. He deserves better.