Anyone else get accused of having emotions they’re not having?
I was having a perfectly sensible conversation with my nmother
(Which usually goes along the lines of her talking pretty much constantly and me occasionally saying things like ‘that’s nice’ and other non-descript answers)
Knowing what she’s like, I always make an effort to sound cheerful, and then she just carries on with her self-obsessed monologue
Mid-way through the ‘conversation’ though, she switched to that harsh, clipped tone I despise
”Are you tired or something?” she asked me
”No, why?”
“Well you sound cross” she said in that clipped, ‘I’m about to scream at you’ tone
For a split second I wondered if I was tired, if I was cross
I‘m in the process of getting ready to move out and go NC, and I dread any interaction I have to have with my nmother
‘Maybe she can tell…’ I found myself wondering
And then I realised
It was just her classic gaslight and manipulation tactic
1: she accuses me of feeling angry/tired/sad/hysterical/etc
2: I get confused, and then get caught up in wondering why/how I’ve come across that way
3: I feel bad about it (because naturally my supposed feelings have now impacted her)
4: I go out of my way to make up for whatever I apparently did
So there we are. Tonight, apparently, I’m tired and cross
Of course, I can’t accurately judge my own feelings. I must listen to what she tells me I’m feeling 🙄