Were your parents shaming you about your weight, no matter how skinny or fat you actually were?

So, I was a chubby kid. Not morbidly obese or anything like that, but definitely above the healthy weight. My parents would always make comments about how I am fat and should eat less (the worst example was when they made me cry in a shopping mall, because "I am so fat it's impossible no buy me nice clothes").

But the thing is, my parents have always been significantly overweight themselves, and did absolutely nothing to actually help me lead a healthier lifestyle. Despite their criticism, they would continue to buy me my favorite junk food, and my mother would guilt trip me if I didn't finish a meal ("oh, so I guess you dislike my cooking?" type of remarks). So, I had no positive role models and zero support (if anything, they were actively sabotaging me), but somehow I was supposed to develop healthy eating habits from scratch.

All of that made me develop an eating disorder that continued into my adult life. I was a very physically active person (running marathons and such), but still significantly overweight, because I was binge eating A LOT.

But here's the kicker. A few years ago, I decided to finally take care of this issue and develop proper eating habits. I lost 25 kg and for the first time in my life, I achieved (and maintained) a healthy weight.

Were my parents satisfied? Proud? Hell no, all I heard was how I was "starving myself", going to develop anorexia, and being mentally ill for refusing a sweet treat. And just for the record, I am 181 cm/76 kg right now, so nowhere near underweight. At some point I had to plainly state that I refuse to hear any comments about my weight, which obviously caused another meltdown on their side, because how dare I tell them what they're allowed to say.

I swear there's no winning with these people. Even if I do exactly as they say, nothing is ever good enough. If anything, they seem to be mad that I took away a reason for them to make fun of me, so they have to invent another one, as if making me feel insecure was some sort of fucking hobby to them. I must say, going LC was one of the best decisions ever.