Anyone else's family shit on their hobbies or interests?
I'm just curious about this cos my aunt and her husband who raised me and my sister do this a lot lol they went apeshit when his daughter got a tattoo on her hand and didn't shut up about it for weeks the way they went off you'd think they found out she robbed a pensioner or something, my sister is a writer and has been writing and reading since she was about 14 (she's 37 now) they used to berate her for her love for Harry Potter they said she "had her head in the clouds", my aunt said her favourite singer Sarah Mclachlan was ugly and had weird teeth, she called some actor i had a crush on a wanker, they ripped on my obsession with the band Nine Inch Nails, when we were driving to Devon for a family holiday they were looking at some airshow thing in the sky and I didn't really care enough to look and my aunt's husband said "oh cos it's not Trent Reznor or Nine Inch Nails you're not interested" just so many examples of them ripping on people's interests and hobbies.
My sister writes patreon fics sometimes she writes NSFW stuff for people who ask her to write and she didn't tell our aunt but she found out through the grapevine (my cousin probably told her) and said "oh I did a lot of things at your age but I never wrote porn" she also looked disgusted at my sister's toy model of Castle grey skull from Heman that she has in her front room. They even got really angry when my aunt's husband's son took time off work to play Call Of Duty and relax it was so bizarre.
I feel like this has effected the way I see and feel about things I like and sharing them I guess it's pretty shitty but I guess it's because they have no hobbies that don't involve drinking and slagging people off every night at a dinner table lmao. Anyone else have this in their family?