How many of you were raised by dual narcissist parents?

Hi all,

I (f36) recently went NC with my mother. I put a post on Reddit (different page) and was shocked by so many people commenting on her seeming like a narcissist.

I’ve been NC with my father for 13 years. He is a textbook narcissist. After hearing these comments about my mother I did some reading and brought it up with a new therapist. To my surprise it seems she is in fact a narcissist - just a covert one.

It seems super strange to me that these two would have ended up together. I mean, their marriage was terrible and didn’t work out, but still…. What drew these two to one another in the first place?? It just seems unreasonable to me that I ended up with not one but two of these psychos for parents!

It also just makes me feel like, am I doomed? What if I’m this way and just haven’t recognized it?

Rambling here, but has anyone else had the same experience and what are your thoughts on it.