29 [M4R] #Online - Insomniac nerd looking for equally nerdy and sleep deprived friends.

Heya. I'm Demos. I've been realizing that I am low on friends, especially those who share a habit of staying up later than they probably should. So I'm trying to fix that by finding more absolute gremlins with terrible sleep schedules.

I'm not really sure how best to describe myself. I enjoy my own jokes more than I should, I enjoy giving people nicknames once I know them better, once I like you I am fiercely loyal. I'm fairly laid back, more than a touch forgetful, and I struggle to not make jokes when I'm nervous. I'm a very openminded person when it comes to who you are, and I'm a great listener, but that comes at the expense of having trouble opening up myself despite wanting to be known by others. I love raunchy and generally kinda "dumb" humor. I'm a firm believer that puns get better the worse they are. I swear like a sailor, so hopefully you don't mind or you have a foul mouth too. I love listening to people talk about their interests. It's really fun for me to see someone so intensely into something. That sort of dedication is just really cool to me.

Interests wise, I'm pretty much your typical nerd, into D&D, video games, cartoons/anime, all that good stuff. I like to write, although I don't do it all that often, and I can spend ages talking about the world that I've been building for my campaign. If you are working on your own world, that would be awesome. We could keep throwing questions at each other.

Most of my free time is spent either watching movies/shows or playing video games. I love movies and making dumb jokes about them. I have a strong draw towards movies that aren't exactly what you might call "good." Immediately subverting that, I just watched the Green Knight and enjoyed the hell out of it. I play a lot of shooters of different varieties. (OW2, Borderlands 2/3/TPS, Helldivers) I'm nowhere even close to a sweat or a competitive player. I like to be able to just turn my brain off for a while. Darktide has been devouring my mind lately, but I tend to get short bursts of hyperfocus when it comes to what I play.

Hopefully some of this resonates with some of you and you reach out.

25+ please. I'm almost 30, I got like nothing in common with someone a decade younger than me.

(Marked NSFW cuz I use colorful language and I enjoy dirty jokes.)